Banned Books Week 2024

“This is a dangerous time for readers and the public servants who provide access to reading materials. Readers, particularly students, are losing access to critical information, and librarians and teachers are under attack for doing their jobs.”
– Deborah Caldwell-Stone, director of the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom

Book challenges and bans often happen very quietly. A book is challenged and pulled from shelves in a local school or library without fanfare. Readers might not even know what they are missing. A goal of Banned Books Week is to raise awareness of the scope and impact of book censorship and encourage people to get involved, to stand with the banned.

Here at Books & Books @ The Studios, we keep our banned books display up all year because Florida leads the country in challenging and banning books. In response to these extensive efforts to restrict access to books and ideas, PEN America opened a Florida office in Miami last year. We asked PEN America Florida Senior Director Katie Blankenship to explain what’s happening with book banning around the state,

As Katie Blankenship points out, book challenges often target books by and about people of color and LGBTQIA+ people. We believe that everyone deserves to read and have access to stories that represent their lives and experiences. Visit us during Banned Books Week (Sept. 22-28), read a banned book, and make up your own mind.

Banned books resources