We wish we were in Key West at Books & Books.  Alas, @#$% happens and it’s happened to us. In November George had Whipple surgery in New York.  Everything happened very fast.  Too fast to let you know.  We were away for six weeks.  He’s made a remarkable recovery, we had a joyous holiday with our family in town, and some of you might be lucky enough to have seen him at the store these last few weeks.  As Emily says, he’s back crawling around on the floor fixing electronics.

But now, even though he feels fine and has an excellent pathology report, we’re off to Miami (he has to be near a major medical center) for further treatment.  It’s the protocol.  We’re hoping we can get back every few weeks but we can’t say for sure until we see how he reacts to the chemo.  We’re both feeling positive about this though leaving our beloved Key West and the store for a period up to six months makes us sad.  How lucky we are to have Emily at the helm with Robin, Lori, Gianelle, Camila, and our loyal volunteers making sure everything runs smoothly.  I’ll miss introducing our visiting writers. We have some great ones lined up.  I’ll miss the day to day with all of you.  While I won’t be around for photos I will be able to sign books.  It may take an extra week but we’ve figured out a way to get them to me, and then to you.

And so, it’s goodbye for a while.  I’ll check in with the store every day.  I’ll be there in spirit.  You know that.  Thank you for your support and good vibes.



January, 14, 2019