Meet volunteer and author, Carrie Jo Howe

photo credit: Lena Perkins

Carrie Jo is one of our cadre of fantastic volunteers. She’s also the author of Island Life Sentence, a funny story about a Key West transplant who finds paradise isn’t exactly as billed. We chatted with Carrie Jo about writing, moving to Key West and, of course, about how much fun it is to volunteer at the (air conditioned) bookstore.

Q: How did you come to write Island Life Sentence?

A: Key West is a place of storytelling.

There was that time in our garden when the poisonous Bufo Toad jumped out at me. This bowling ball sized bulbous creature’s skin secretes a deadly poison — enough to kill a dog. And the time when I realized why our front porch ceiling is painted haint blue. Did past homeowners have haint infestation? Is this forcefield actually successful in haint prevention? And when I discovered there is a hurricane protection grotto at the Catholic Church that has kept the island safe for a century. You better believe I quickly upped my weekly donation.

Add a dash of bridge driving anxiety, to this recipe of disasters and the ingredients of Island Life Sentence percolated into a book.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my local writing coach, Lisa Mahoney. This was my first novel and I needed help with structure and form. She and I met every other week for a year. She’s a funny, smart, talented taskmaster who doesn’t like exclamation points. (!)

Q: How many books so far?

A: I’ve written one other book called Motherhood is NOT for Babies. It’s a compilation of anecdotes about my husband, three boys and bad dog.

Q: How long have you been a writer?

A: I’ve written on and off my whole life.Raising the boys and working in the mortgage business severely limited my writing time.However, as my family discovered years later, I was taking notes…lots and lots of notes.

Q: What was the process of self-publishing like?

A: With Island Life Sentence, I used a crowdfunding publisher called Unbound out of the UK. Once I raised the required amount of funds, the publisher takes it through a traditional publishing process with structural editor, copy editor, and professional cover art. The negative is that the physical copy of the book can’t be purchased in the U.S. I’m working on that issue now. (Books & Books @ The Studios has print copies of the book, signed by the author.)

Q: How long have you lived in Key West? Where did you move from and why?

A: For twenty years, we lived in the Chicago suburb called Glen Ellyn. It’s tiny railroad stop community — a great place to raise a family and grow strong friendships. When my husband Tom’s Midwest sales job turned into a national territory, the only stipulation from his employer was that we live close to an airport. Key West fit that bill. With the kids grown and out of the nest, we decided to take advantage of our flexibility. We’d been vacationing in Key West for years, so when the Chicago house sold quickly, we flew down here, bought a house and moved in within 30 days.

Q: What do you like about Key West?

A: The winters. I like the winters. We are very popular in the winter too. I didn’t know I had so many friends and relatives.

I’m enjoying mentoring a 16-year-old girl in the Take Stock in Children program, which affords kids the opportunity of a college education. The organization itself is very well run. Lindsay Moore is fabulous with the mentors and students. The community is lucky to have her.

Q: Besides your own book, what do you recommend?

A: Razor Girl by Carl Hiaasen, which is based on a real-life criminal. A woman drives to the Keys and gets into a car accident while shaving her private parts. This news story is what sparked my desire to create a blog about the crime down here:

Q: Why volunteer at the bookstore?

A: I love volunteering at the bookstore! The staff is very welcoming and appreciative.Since my skill set is my Neanderthal arms, I’m happy I can help out by reaching books on the top shelves.I love to see people’s reactions when they learn that Judy Blume is standing next to them. One woman cried she was so overwhelmed.I like to chat with customers about what they want to read next.
And — they play great music in the store.
And — it’s air conditioned.

~ Robin Wood, Associate Manager