Read Banned Books

Banned Books Week is an opportunity to think about the importance of access to a wide range of ideas and representation in books across many sectors of society, including schools and public libraries. It is also an opportunity to read great books that you might not have otherwise picked up.

Here are some recommendations from the store staff of books that have been on various banned and challenged lists.

Judy recommends The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. She writes, “This book is a must! Funny, real, not to be missed.”

Robin loved Julián Is a Mermaid by Jessica Love. “The art for this book is beautiful, and wonderfully complements the story of an imaginative little boy getting to do something he loves.”

Riona recommends The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab, which features a rash deal with the devil that unfolds in surprising and moving ways.

Lori says The Color Purple by Alice Walker will have you rooting for Celie, Shug, Sofia and Nettie, rejoicing in their triumphs.

Find these books and many more in store!