Reading recommenation: Sapiens

As we hunker down to combat the unseen enemy, we have to find ways to take advantage of our newfound time. What better way than to attack a big book, one that will leave you a bigger and better person at the end.

One book that I have been recommending for sometime now is Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari. As the title suggests, Harari traces the emergence of our species, homo sapiens, from cave dwelling hunter-gatherers competing with other humanoids as well as powerful animals, to our current overwhelmingly dominant place in the food chain. He identifies the key inflection points in history – such as the Cognitive, Agricultural and Scientific Revolutions, as well as the emergence of money as a medium of exchange – and explains what brought them about, and how they have shaped ourselves.

Do you want to understand mankind, the world, religion, economics… and a few other things? Harari lays it all out, cogently and lucidly.

I’m not kidding. It’s a dazzling, and very readable masterpiece that has been on the best-seller list for almost three years. Click the link and we’ll ship it or deliver it personally to your house in Key West.

George Cooper